New Patients

We Welcome New Patients to our Centre

Your First Visit

The purpose of your first visit is to find out if chiropractic can help you. Your first visit will consist of:


Your Dive Chiropractic Centre Doctor will tell you what being a patient at Dive Chiropractic Centre is all about. You will discuss with your chiropractor the events that have led to the current problems you are experiencing, any health concerns, accidents or surgery, all of which assist in determining your current level of health.


Your Dive Chiropractic Centre Doctor will then perform thorough neurological, orthopaedic and chiropractic examinations and, where necessary, arrange for x-rays, all of which assist them in identifying the cause/s of problems you are experiencing in order to determine what treatment is required.


All the results from your examination are then studied and reviewed in order to identify any correlation in the findings and to confirm treatment. A personalised report is then prepared for you outlining a recommended treatment program that is individualised to address the problem/s for which you are seeking treatment.

Because your problem probably started some years before you felt the symptoms, your Dive Chiropractic Centre will discuss the phases of care with you:

  1. Initial Intensive Care to remove your pain and stabilise your condition.
  2. Reconstructive or Healing Care allows the body to heal the decay process.

Treatment normally begins on the following visit, which is usually the same day or as soon as is convenient for you.

On your second visit, the results from your examinations will be discussed with you.

A personalised and specific ‘Health Care Program’ will be recommended to address and correct any problems and outline your future health prospects.

Your First Adjustment

Now that we have found your subluxations, we can begin to adjust your spine back to health. Your Chiropractor will explain exactly what is involved before proceeding. If you have any concerns or questions about your treatment, you can discuss them with your Chiropractor.

Chiropractic adjustments are safe. There are more than 12 million visits to chiropractors in Australia each year. Over 1 million of these (approximately 8.6 per cent of visits annually) are paediatric visits*. Although chiropractic is safe and has a fantastic safety record, it should be noted that all modalities carry an element of risk, no matter how small the possibility.

Take a look at the list of research conducted that proves chiropractic adjustments are safe and effective.

Chiropractic treatment is like climbing a ladder – lots of short little steps before you reach the top. Your visits will be short and gentle, and therefore we ask you to be patient as you begin your ascent to better living.

Chiropractic achieves long-term results, like braces that are used to straighten teeth. However, like braces, it does take time. Some patients may experience results quickly, while others find their healing takes several months or longer. Children usually respond more quickly, while adults with long-standing spinal problems heal more slowly.

How long you decide to benefit from chiropractic care is always up to you.

* Lee AC, Li DH, Kemper KJ. Chiropractic care for children. Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine. 2000;154(4):401-7.

Your First Adjustment

Regular progress examinations determine if your chiropractic progress is on schedule, ahead or behind schedule.

The results of your examinations determine your rate of healing and help plan future visits.

Consultation Fees

Payment of fees is expected at the time of your consultation unless by prior arrangement.

Payment Methods

For your convenience, we offer EFTPOS, HICAPS and credit card facilities at all clinics.

Paywave and cash are also accepted.

Medical Insurance

We welcome HICAPS, private health insurance, DVA and Medicare referrals and WorkCover.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

  • What is Chiropractic?

    Chiropractic is Greek for ‘to do by hand’.

    Chiropractic is a recognised health care discipline which emphasises the inherent, recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery. The practice of chiropractic is based upon the scientific fact that your nervous system runs and controls every cell, tissue, organ, system and function of your body. Read more 

  • What do Chiropractors Do?

    A chiropractor works in the largest drug-free healthcare profession in the world.

    Chiropractic care focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health.

    A chiropractor uses their hands to control and manipulate the body, to adjust and realign the body to create an unrestricted flow of communication between the spine and the rest of the body. Read more 

  • What is a Subluxation?

    A subluxation occurs when one or more vertebrae (spinal bones) misalign and lose their proper motion.

    Subluxations can be caused by anything from the birthing process to falls, sports or accidents and practically everything in between.

    When this occurs, pressure may be placed on the nerves carrying information between the brain and body, ultimately affecting the body’s performance. The end result is often sickness and disease, such as headaches you may be suffering from or asthma you thought was due to a change in the climate.

  • How do I Know if I Have a Subluxation?

    Most people have subluxations before they know it. Like the early stages of tooth decay, subluxations can be present before warning signs appear.

    So, when that pain or warning sign hits, the best way to correct subluxations is to visit your Dive Chiropractic Centre for thorough chiropractic, neurological, orthopaedic and (where needed) x-ray examination. Your test results will show the location and severity of the subluxations you may have and the best course of action to correct them.

    Contact us to make an appointment.

  • Why Are X-Rays Used?

    To see is to know. The importance of x-rays is that they provide an inside look at the condition of your spine, spinal curves and any spinal decay.

    X-rays and your orthopaedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations help your Dive Chiropractic Centre formulate the best possible course of treatment and required care plan to help correct any identified problems.

  • What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

    An adjustment, or adjusting technique, is how your Dive Chiropractic Centre corrects spinal subluxations.

    Depending upon his examination results and whether he’s adjusting a baby, the elderly, a pregnant woman or a normal-sized adult, there are many and varied techniques your chiropractor may use.

    Some techniques involve applying a very quick, gentle and extremely specific thrust to the vertebrae, while others utilise adjusting instruments and drop-piece tables that apply an equally gentle but specific force that makes the adjustment for you. Either way, your Dive Chiropractic Centre will use the best technique for your individual care.

    Contact us to discuss your options.

  • What Makes the Sound During an Adjustment?

    A clicking or popping sound is often heard with the adjustment. It’s perfectly harmless and pain-free.

    Gases cause the popping sound in the joint, namely oxygen and nitrogen, mixing. It’s the same sound you get when you ‘crack’ your knuckles or lift a pane of glass off a wet bench, and it causes a popping sound. The sound is not painful and is not necessarily heard with each adjustment.

    It isn’t bone rubbing on bone, as some people have incorrectly thought, but rather gases escaping from the joint. Some people have a misconception that the louder the noise, the better the adjustment. This is not true. The noise, or lack of it, has nothing to do with whether the adjustment is good or not.

  • Can Adjustments Wear Out the Spine?

    No. Quite the opposite. If you have a subluxation and don’t adjust, research has shown that the discs will eventually wear out, and the spinal bones will fuse, causing major spinal nerve entrapment and damage to cells and organs.

    Bones, muscles and ligaments need to be exercised to stay healthy. Besides removing the subluxation, an adjustment is the best exercise you can give your spine.

  • How Many Adjustments Will I Need?

    The number of adjustments varies from patient to patient, depending on the problem's severity and individual health goals. Symptomatically, chiropractic works extremely quickly, with most patients experiencing a rapid change in their symptoms after only a few adjustments up to a few weeks.

    Because human beings are unique and individual, no two patients respond the same. As the body heals and stabilises over a period of weeks or months, visits become less frequent. Naturally, the more chronic the condition, the longer the body takes to heal.

    Contact us to book an appointment for an assessment. 

  • Can I Adjust Myself?

    Although some patients try to administer a self-adjustment, it only increases their long-term problems. The joint becomes hypermobile and extremely unstable.

    A chiropractic adjustment is a specific force in a particular direction to a specific joint. This is why adjustments should be left to your Dive Chiropractic Centre, who is highly trained and skilled through years of university training, to not only locate the 'correct' subluxation but also to adjust it.

    Contact us to make an appointment.

  • Do Babies and Children Need Chiropractic?

    Absolutely. It's been said that "you've never had a chance since birth". And it's true, as most spinal subluxations begin at birth. When you consider that the 'normal' birth process is often traumatic, you can appreciate the terrible spinal trauma inflicted upon a baby's spine when it is delivered using forceps or other instruments.

    In the 1930s, a medical researcher named Dr Towbin discovered that 7 out of 8 babies that died at birth or shortly thereafter died from spinal cord damage due to the birthing process. This is why it is vital that your Dive Chiropractic Centre checks all babies and children suffering from any type of pain or discomfort for pain-causing subluxations.

    Research shows that, on average, children have two and a half thousand (2500) falls by the time they are five years old. This is why children suffering from spinal subluxations often present with symptoms such as headaches and back pain. Techniques used to adjust children are extremely gentle and safe.

    Find out more 

  • Am I Too Old for Chiropractic Care?

    You are never too old for chiropractic care. More and more people, especially in their later years, are visiting chiropractors to regain their health and vitality and to stay healthy. Because every drug has a side effect, chiropractic care is rapidly growing in popularity due to its safe and natural approach.

    Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are common complaints of the elderly that respond well to chiropractic care. As these symptoms improve, patients report a rapid improvement in other conditions they thought were just part of the aging process they had to endure.

    Whatever your problem, you'll find your Dive Chiropractic Centre experience extremely safe and gentle and a vital process in your quest to regain your health.

    Contact us to book an appointment.

  • What is a ‘Slipped Disc’?

    Physically, it's impossible to slip a disk, even though you might have been told this in the past. Your disks are firmly attached to the vertebrae above and below them.

    When you hear someone mention that they have a 'slipped disk', they are referring to a condition where disks can bulge and herniate due to injury or the ongoing effects of subluxations and degeneration.

    It's often a case of 'the straw that broke the camel's back. When subluxations have been present for some time, it usually only requires a simple bending over or lifting of a light object for the back to let go, and you're stuck in a bent-over position. The sooner you get to your Dive Chiropractic Centre, the sooner you'll be back to normal.

    Contact us to make an appointment.

  • What is a Pinched Nerve?

    When people refer to a pinched nerve, they mean the nerve has been irritated or chaffed, causing interference to the normal nerve supply that may result in an increased or decreased nerve supply.

    Either way, it is usually excruciating, and you'll need to see your Dive Chiropractic Centre as quickly as possible.

    Don't delay, contact us to make an appointment.

  • How Safe Is Chiropractic?

    Extremely safe. And because chiropractors have specific techniques for every type of patient, from babies to the elderly, you can rest assured your visit to your Dive Chiropractic Centre will be safe and gentle. Although chiropractic is safe and has a fantastic safety record, it should be noted that all modalities carry an element of risk, no matter how small the possibility.

    In the latest major new study on the risk of stroke following manipulation of the neck, which reinforces the safety of chiropractic care for people with neck pain, the Report concluded that patients are no more at risk of having a rare type of stroke after visiting a chiropractor than they are after visiting a medical practitioner.

    Ref: Risk of Vertebrobasilar Stroke and Chiropractic Care – David Cassidy DC PhD, as part of the multidisciplinary, international task force on Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010 led by Scott Haldeman DC PhD MD.

  • Do Medical Practitioners Work ‘Together’ With Chiropractors?

    More and more research is showing the incredible benefits of chiropractic. Although all medical practitioners should welcome chiropractors with open arms, this is not always the case. Although we all practice the same philosophy that the 'welfare of the sick is the supreme law', medical acceptance of chiropractic has been slow to change.

    With millions of people worldwide receiving the benefits of chiropractic, public opinion has demanded a change. Today, more and more medical practitioners are referring patients to our clinics. Veterans Affairs and Workers' Compensation cover chiropractic. Should you need a referral from a medical practitioner for Worker's Compensation or because you are a Veterans Affairs patient, keep shopping around until you find one who will refer you to us.

  • Do You Have Another Question?

    Please ask your Dive Chiropractic Centre Doctor. We will be more than happy to answer it for you.

Discuss your requirements

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